World peace
is a weapon so strong
it kills all traces of life-eating bacteria,
better known as war.
is a miracle pill
that, hopefully, can revive malnutritioned human bodies.
is a brand of bleach
that can make sure
black people are not being discriminated
by the white people.
is a toy
that can bring happiness
to the other third world countries.
is a goal
that can actually be attained,
that some people think impossible.
is a desire for some, a dream for most, a need for them.
Hello i'm back.
Sian. Just got back from tuition.
I've been thinking about how to give the card to him.
I dunno leh !
Now i thinking about it i also get that sour feeling in my stomach.
it feels like too much hydrochloric acid. so sour-ish.
but i dont care, cause i already made the card and i should probably give it to him.
later he dont like how. :(
hi i forgot to say.
I am under the impression that i wrote a post somewhere.
But i cant remember where i put the post thingy.
Yesterday was EARTHHOUR !
Did you turn off your lights?
I didnt. hehe.
Cause when i came home with family and all it was very dark so i scared. :(
You all know i'm freaked out by dark right.
To me, Darkness is a big black monster ready to swallow me up.
So frightening.
and scary.
So everytime during camp if got nightwalk i'll freak out big time and i'll start crying.
during atc camp i also cried heh.
the classroom very dark lor.
and then so scary.
in lanjut during p6 we went for nightwalk in the forest. FOREST LEH.
it's like shadowy and dark and those stupid organisers threw mannequins everywhere with red paint and there were people in the trees acting as ghosts which were creepy. and everytime someone screamed i'll be screaming too.
Poor alicia was my partner, i almost squeezed her hand off. she was complaining about that to me. :(
but seriously all these memories are like etched into my head and i cant get rid of them.
it's like a scar that cant be removed.
still remember, when i was in p5 or something, went to escape theme park with family.
you guys all say the haunted house there not scary,
but when i entered that thing the first thing i did was to put my face in my dad's back and i started to cry cause there's a tunnel there and someone in the darkness was nudging me. in black. and darkness.
i freaked out.
but seriously it was scary cause the place there was totally dark and someone clad in black was NUDGING ME. PUSHING ME. SCARY LA. AND I HEARD HIM/HER LAUGH. like really laugh. like hahahaha. make me scared very fun right. godiela. shityou.
oh, and i left this out when i posted post yesterday.
i've changed my blogskin.again.
Promise is a big word.a really big word.if you cant accomplish what you promised, then before you promise, say i'll try instead.say i'll try to finish my homework instead of i promise i'll finish my homework.muahahahah.promises are inescapable.once made, considered done.anyway,today was quite tiringcause was meet-the-teacher session.for our mamas and was meet-the-parents for our mr-es and ms-es, miss-es, mrs-es.i was reception yeay.with frankie and yiling. and other people.Siokkheng was usher. at porch. :(and then there was principal's speech.people were like waiting around at porch for the thing to start and then mrs koh told usWE HAD TO TAKE THEIR ATTENDANCE i only like ticked people i saw and knew.i think we gonna get scolded on monday.:(but anyway,shit happens,and life's good.but my throat still hurts.
As promised, here's what i wrote during atc.
You flipped a switch somewhere inside you,
and now everything's changing.
From a sweet, cute girl,
you matured in a day,
and now i don't know you at all.
From my good buddy,
to an unknown stranger,
yet so familiar to me.
We had our tiffs,
we had our fights,
but i know friendship is a valuable find.
No matter what happens in the future,
i'm proud
to say
you were my friend.
i've destroyed my secret message.
i was trying to say two is better than one but nevermind.
that song is nice. :)
I wrote like something in atc today,
was pissed today too.
not in a good mood.
but i saw someone so still quite happy. :)
Will post later the thing i wrote in my book.
i'm not in the mood.
cause ... yeah. you'll know soon.
yeah. gotta go sleep soon cause tomorrow need wake up super early.
and my throat hurts.
very bad. :(
save me. :(
yeah. gonna go sleep now. very tired.
tomorrow meeting siok kheng at Yishun. yeay.
yeah. byebye. yawn yawn yawn.
Yay i changed my blogskin.
This rocks but i'm looking for a better one.
Please be patient.
I am walking.
Then i feel it.
Drops of water
splash on the concrete path
I am walking on.
The familiar smell of rain
blows from the north
and brings tears to my eyes.
The sudden shower
without any warning.
The heavy rain
soon drenches me.
Below i could exhale
or even
blink the water out
of my eyes,
something was thrust into my open hands,
and the unfamiliar absence of rain
brings me to a halt.
I look around
and see
the familiar curtain
of falling rain.
And yet,
no raindrops are falling on my face.
No moisture existed in my bubble.
I look up
and the vermillion umbrella
greets me with its everlasting warmth.
Spinning around,
i see a blurry figure,
back bent against the strong wind
walking away from me.
The black shirt he's wearing
clinging to him tightly
like a second skin.
And i shout into the rain,
thank you.
His waving hand comes up in response,
yet he's not turning back.
He shoves his hand into his pocket,
and walks on, undisturbed.
Thank you. For the warmth you gave me.
This is so funny.
Get it ? The advertisement on top is saying don't give up if you have cancer yet the advertisement below is advetising for cigarettes. One is persuading you not to give up if you have cancer, and the other is persuading you to buy cigarettes. Oh well. The irony.
I'm creating a hidden message muahahah.. that's why it's called ONE. wait and see...
I've just realised that people in Singapore have really bad driving habits.
I was at a zebra crossing and waiting for a van which was driving real slow to turn.
I assure you, i looked like a retard standing there.
In the end,
the van didn't turn.
it just went straight along the road like nobody's business.
so i was like what the hell.
then i crossed the road.
and a car hit me.
yeah. i crossed the road.
and went on my way home.
end of story.
Eeesh whatever lah. >< lol.
welcome back.
wincing in pain,
yet embracing it.
It's alive.
writhing, twisting
then it shrieked.
being attacked from within.
drops to the floor,
it stops moving.
a twitch.
a quiver.
and it stops moving.
more mourning.
but no,
what happens?
party poppers,
for the loss of the forgotten.
an erased memory,
banished from remembrance.
all is quiet.
nothing happens.
joy, happiness,
just gone.
no mourning,
no celebration.
Save me.
Break the silence.
It's too quiet.
Save me.
It hurts,
i know.
It's heartbreaking
just to look at someone
go through the pain
over again.
But it doesn't hurt that bad
as it did, i'm sure.
But of course,
your scar,
would never fade
would never be removed.
The aftermath
of that tsunami
would never
be fully resolved.
you really forget,
brain concussions,
but those things hurt.
It's sad
to see
something so similiar
happen to someone so different
and yet them
having to show it in a play.
I'm sorry.
I feel bad,
whenever i see that scene again.
You might be acting,
but you seem so real.
So hurt.
So depressed,
exactly how i felt.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
[ It's been two days and i'm still thinking about it,
i'm so absolutely sorry, although i know i'm not the actual person
and that your best friend should be apologising,
but I am sorry. For having to play that role. ]
i suck at poetry. sadly. Dedicated to DKNW. (:
I'm awesome-ly happy today.
It was like awesome-ly awesome, it's so awesome that i can't imagine exactly how awesome it is.
I'm working on the album for facebook but I'm a little lazy (HEH) so i think I'll add the photos on Monday.
we went to like the many common places like the Christ church Melaka and the mini Malaysia and the peranakan museum SO ON AND SO FORTH but I'm so awfully sad that we didn't get to try the
CHEEKEN RICEE BAAAALLL. (I got this from google)
we did go to Jonker Street and the bus did drive past the hawkers that sold chicken rice balls but WE DIDN'T STOP. :(ANYWAY, i am in LOOOOOOOOOVE with the Dataran Pahlawan (correct spelling ?!). It's an awesome mega mall and i cannot say how awesome-ly mega it is. it's really mega mega.and there's this outlet called the Brands Outlet and it's awesome cause it sells like guys and gals apparels and ACCESSORIES (!) all under one roooof. I bought like 4 tees. The tees were like 3 tees for 50 rm. that's like 6-7 sing for one !
their designs are awesome too. I DIDNT GET THE ROBOT. I WANTED THE BLOODY ROBOT. BUT I DIDNT BUY THE ROBOT. OH MAN.It's about the price of the shirts at This Fashion. only it's tees. TEES !!!! XD Bloody VALUE FOR MONEHBut the cutting is disgustingly small, and when the size is small, they really mean small small.
I had to buy XL. :
But the whole mall was really awesome ( you can see I'm addicted to the word awesome.) cause there were really a lot of shops. there was this shop which had a gloomy bear bag display. it looked like Mayday's Monster's lucky plushie so Ronice drooled all over it and in the end she bought it. i forgot how much it costs. (like i give a damn ?!)I SAW ANOTHER STAYREAL HAT ! It was blue on white. Mine is black on white (L). AWESOME.WHICH IS MORE ELABORATE ?Ronice abandoned me at Starbucks to show the shop to Gladys and company.Or
Bloody Ronice abandoned me at the bloody Starbucks to show the bloody shop to Gladys and company. Bloody hell.
Duh, apparently it's the second.In the end i shared my SB's (Mocha frappe, was awesome) with Santhini, not giving even a SIP to Ronice. i didn't even let her smell the vapours. Wahahahhaa. after that we went to people's museum if i'm not wrong.and then there was a shop called MCKY (and you guessed it..). It features mickey stuffs. Awesomely cute... yet bloody expensive. :(A shirt that has a mickey on it saying 'Oops i forgot' cost 80+ rm , about 30-40 sing.I BOUGHT A WATCH. it like black-ish and the minute second and hour hands are HAWT PINK. AAAAAH ! it was only 15 rm. awesome right ?!Geeah. (Gee-yeah) dragg the g. So it like " Geeeeeeeyeeeeah"Eh diee i just realised that i forgot where we went on day one. and two. nvermind.BUS RIDES WITH 2/5 '10 ROCKS. (!) sadly this is the largest i can go.oh there's bad news.jasmine left her luggage on the bus and the selfish bastard drove off to JB and DIDNT WANT TO COME BACK. so apparently mr. singh ( correct spelling?), the chief of all the tour guides had to go chase after him and he (mr.singh) said he'll send the luggage to our school. What a fantastically nice guy. :)JASMINE DONT WORRY YOU'LL GET YOUR LUGGAGE BACK AND THAT STUPID GUY WILL GET STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. NOT. I'M NOT SO EVIL. MAYBE HE'LL CHOKE ON A FISHBALL. (no offence yuyan.)(seriously no offence.)
She can forget.
I can't.
The reminders
Everytime, everyday.
Everytime, everyday.
Seeing almost everything
that goes on in their world.
This isn't bliss.
This is torture.
But it's healing.
Yet leaving a permanent scar behind.
It's leaving,
Yet with a trail of slime and goo.
Etching all the memories,
into the path it takes
as it disappears into the night.
It doesn't dry up,
it doesn't sink into the soil.
No plant can absorb its nutrients,
cause it has none.
But those memories are special.
Every story has a happy ending,
but it depends on your perspective.
Every witch might survive,
but her powers might subside.
Every prince might die,
but you live on,
stronger than before.
Every shining armor might lose its shine,
but you can always polish it.
Every white horse might die,
but before it does,
it's sure to reproduce.
All i want to say is,
I'm fine.
One day,
It'll all go away.
If you want to know,
I'm feeling much much much better.
vent my frustrations to Si yin. :D
and Siok Kheng. :D
They're loved so much. (:
At least they didn't break my heart.
I've got like dry cough so. yeah.
been drinking lots of water but it doesn't go away.
Sounds familiar huh.
Been trying to forget but it doesn't go away.
I realised something cool.
If you look at someone standing against sunlight,
the edges of their silhouette has like red and blue lines.
go check it out. :)